Lambda class t 4a shuttle class a transport as attack class t4a eta etaclass for troops gunship imperial imperial shuttle lambda lambdaclass t4a shuttle military nu nuclass republic shuttle transport troop troop transport.
Lambda class t 4a shuttle floor plan rpg.
Used by the galactic empire the vessel has a stationary top wing with two folding bottom wings.
Jun 3 2016 corporate research facility.
Sienar fleet systems lambda class shuttle was based on a tri wing design with a central stationary wing flanked by a pair of folding wings.
The lambda class t 4a shuttle also known as the lambda class shuttle imperial lambda imperial transport or the imperial shuttle was a multi purpose transport with a trihedral foil design used by the galactic empire during the galactic civil war and was considered an elegant departure from the standards of brutish imperial engineering.
The lambda class t 4a shuttle also known as the imperial shuttle was a standard light utility craft in common with the imperial military as a transport for troops and high ranking individuals.
Cygnus spaceworks by lmd 1984.
When in flight position the wing configuration resembled an.
The lambda class t 4a shuttle also known as the imperial shuttle is an imperial cargo and passenger shuttlecraft that appeared in the star wars universe.
Gozanti cruiser see below wookieepedia link for more detail.
In flight the lambda resembles an inverted y and the two lower wings fold up when the ship lands.
The lambda class t 4a shuttle also known as the lambda class shuttle imperial lambda imperial transport or the imperial shuttle was a multi purpose transport with a trihedral foil design used by the galactic empire during the galactic civil war and was considered an elegant departure from the standards of brutish imperial engineering the shuttles were often used by high ranking imperial.
The military variant is designed to replicate the version seen in star wars.
Four different sets of schematics for the lambda class shuttle are in print.
Take a look at the design and construction of a lambda class imperial shuttle from the classic star wars movie return of the jedi.
The original blueprints for the set exterior used for rotj as presented on p 68 of the art of star wars.
Return of the jedi ballantine del rey first edition 1983 second edition 1987.
The shuttle rests on two retractable.